The older I get the more often I’m asked, “When you gonna retire Rossi?” I always answer with a question. “How do you define retirement?” Whatever their answer, I say, “Using your definition I’ve been retired all my life.”
Work Has Never Been A Chore.
Most people retire to get away from work, or because they think they have to retire because their dad did, or they hate their job. Not me, I love my job. I’ve always worked for enjoyment. I live in joy! Work with the people I want to work with, for the people I like. Without pressure, intimidation, or stress. I love my jobs!
The variety of jobs I take on keep life challenging and incredibly interesting. I’ve worked with, and for, REALTORS, Doctors, Lawyers, Engineers, and Accountants in all areas of communication, sales, lifestyle management, goal setting, technology, character building, future projection, and problem solving.
Work is a Joy.
The sheer joy of not going to the same building 9 to 5 daily keeps me young. The globe is my workplace. All I need is an airport, a bag and it’s hi ho off to work I go.
I’ve seen places most will never see in a lifetime. I’ve met people and made friends with those whom books are written. I’ve eaten baby octopus in Singapore, had trout for breakfast in Jackson Hole, and dined in a 300-year-old restaurant in Prague on duck, lamb, and berries.
I live with my wife and business partner, whom I’ve had a burning affair with since 1976. We live in Raleigh, NC (Jewel of the South). We have 2 wonderful children, 2 grandchildren, 1 great grandchild filling our lives with love.
So Your Life is Perfect Rossi?
NO, there is no such thing as perfect. And balance is an illusion taking place in brief seconds of NOW. Not perfect, not balanced, but my life and jobs are Excellent!
Don’t Retire – Do More of what you Enjoy
With all I do and as busy as I am, you would think it’s too much. Wrong, as a matter of fact I’m adding something new. I’ve taken on a new challenge, that of helping the real estate consumer. All the good things I’ve taught my fellow REALTORS for years, I will now share with the consumer. That’s right, I will be selling and listing real estate again.
A friend and past client in Albuquerque, NM, where I started my real estate career in 1971, still calls me for advice. She paid me an enormous compliment, “Rossi, what I love about working with you is you always make sure I know what is going on. You educated me in real estate, thanks.”
Today’s Real Estate Agents Are More Important Than Ever.
Now that ‘Real Estate Information’ is FREE, the game has changed. For years, the broker/agent sold information. That’s right, they would give small amounts of info out like cookie crumbs to bring the buyer/seller into the office to convince them to do business with them. That’s just the way it was everywhere in the US.
Today is different and I’m so glad. The consumer has all the information and we, the real estate community, have only one job. Listen to them. Don’t SELL them. Listen to them. Then guide them through the complex process of transacting real estate.
Click Here – For Complete Current MLS App FREE
Broker/Agent Goals are Secondary.
Identifying what they know, or don’t know, is paramount! A buyer who has bought 10 houses in 5 different states in the last 20 years needs less education than a seller who has been in their home for 55 years. Listen to the consumer, find their level of expertise, and assist them in achieving their goals.
Our Company of Choice
Northside Realty.
I’ve joined my wife, ‘the Bish’, at Northside Realty because of their high degree of professionalism and Ethics.
Northern Wake County, get ready to be the smartest real estate consumers in North Carolina as Bishop and I will be delivering #RealEstateHack! Introducing Right Price Analysis, Pricing Wedge, Absorption Rate Impact, and all the market news you want.
We’ll also acquaint you with the 100+ Points Of Contact we’ll be managing so you can get ready for your move in comfort.
Today’s real estate transactions have never been more complicated.
There are over 100 different points of contact in every real estate transaction. Each one may be touched over 50 times.
The consumer need not be involved in any of these except where their decision is needed.
High Pulse Real Estate Market.
We’ll keep you in tune with the market and more. We’ll help you become the real estate expert with our #RealEstateHack App that gives you all the market knowledge at your fingertips.
Download the app and freely look at EVERYTHING in TMLS (Triangle Multiple Listing Service), whether you’re buying, selling, or just curious.
We are so ready to work with all our friends and relatives and new friends in this interesting market applying all our knowledge and skills. It’s a Great Day to be working!
If you want a jump start on the #RealEstateHack just message us in remarks or email Rossi@RossiSpeaks.com
And, YES, I’m Still Selectively Speaking!
Bumper Stickers Coming Soon.