Here is your copy of the (free) app Giving You access to ALL current Triangle Real Estate Listings,
More up-to-date than Zillow or (note is not a REALTOR product. It is owned by Rupert Murdoch.
*It’s Important to Note, This Is Not Our App, it’s HomeSpotter from the Triangle MLS
Click here to download the app to View EVERYTHING in MLS, whether you’re buying, selling, or just Buy Curious. HomeSpotter does not track you. It simply offers you total autonomy.
The first screen will ask you to identify yourself with a phone number. (I will text to welcome you – not bother you.) After you download and sign into the app, open it. It will geographically locate where you are and show you any and all houses currently on the market. You can see any property for sale in the Triangle area. Click on any sign and everything on the market around you appears with brief specifics.
Click again and info on this property appears. Click the small info screen and the complete listing opens with all the photos. Again, no info from you is tracked or recorded. Now all the info in the Triangle MLS is in your hands. If you want to see a property or have any questions, you can send us a message from within the app. Or call or text us at 919-931-2222 Please only contact us, not the listing agent (as they represent the seller not you), we will be your exclusive agent, and will fully discuss agency this with you. Also if you stop in a builders open house, please give them our name as your agent.