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EDUTAINER, Trend Communicator, Intuitionist, Augmenter, Thought Artist, Humorist, Motivator, Bon Vivant, Lifestyle Mentor, & Author

WHY? HE’S FRESH, DIFFERENT, and ALWAYS ON THE LEADING EDGE! Sure, every speaker says that.

WELL THINK ABOUT IT. Every Speaker in the world talks about CHANGE. They speak to the demand of change, the necessity for change, and change being the only thing in life that’s constant. But Wait – Then they deliver their material the “Same Old Way”. Agree?

Not ROSSI, no way – no how. Here is what sets him apart from the pack: as a Master Neuro Linguistics Practitioner and Edutainer, he incorporates his trademarked Power Learning process into every presentation. Power Learning integrates all five senses with a heavy dose of humor to implant change patterns into the attendees so they may automatically recall, use, and implement for personal success.

RESULTS – ARE DAZZLING! And even MORE that sets him apart – he works in a ‘No-PowerPoint Zone’. He actually requests that attendees bring lap tops, iPads, and/or smart phones as his complete presentation is immediately available online, IN CLASS.

This works because he has found that in every class, presentation, and seminar today there are three distinct simultaneous dimensions: Instructor/Student  –  Student/Student via text  –  Student/Other (someone outside of the class) via text.

Social media communication is a way of life today. Attempting to restrict or regulate this is impractical and futile. So he encourages it for the Win/Win/Win, attendee/course provider/presenter.

Piece de Resistance is ‘Class in the Round’ (chairs or chairs and tables set in a circle around the instructor – see video example – if not possible, he’ll work among the audience) thus uncovering a4th dimension, that of attendees having eye-to-eye contact with one another. Audiences are raving about this class experience. I know yours will as well.

FRESH demand topic – Evolutionary Power of Non-Selling, Creating a Compelling Consumer Experience, which is receiving high marks from sales audiences in all arenas as it’s all about WHY & Being the BEST LISTENER! All of ROSSI Speaks’ presentations are custom contoured for the audience, size, and time.

Call (9191-846-6333) or email (  Bobbi Bishop Rossi (aka The Bishop) & Marketing Department to discuss YOUR speaker needs in depth.

Client Testimonials: See and Hear what others are saying about this NEW Learning Experience


ROSSI Speaks, inc

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